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Prezly basics

A crash course in everything you need to know about how Prezly works.

Help: Introduction to Prezly
Prezly basics

Introduction to Prezly

An overview of the tool and how it boosts your storytelling
Help: Contacts
Prezly basics


Import contacts and manage your contact lists in our built-in CRM
Help: Stories
Prezly basics


Publish visually engaging press releases and showcase them in fully branded sites
Help: Sites
Prezly basics


Create custom online sites that perfectly align with your brand
Help: Campaigns
Prezly basics


Share your latest Stories with media contacts using targeted Email Campaigns
Help: Coverage
Prezly basics


Upload and manage your media mentions, and share them with your contacts
Help: Importing contacts into Prezly
Prezly basics

Importing contacts into Prezly

How the contact importer works, from start to finish
Help: How to create a story
Prezly basics

How to create a story

Make your newsletters, blogs, press releases or company updates even better with multimedia embeds
Help: Contact types: 'Person' and 'Organizations'
Prezly basics

Contact types: 'Person' and 'Organizations'

How contact types helps to keep your contacts organized
Help: Creating individual contacts
Prezly basics

Creating individual contacts

Importing contacts to your database one at a time
Help: Importing contacts with an Excel or CSV file
Prezly basics

Importing contacts with an Excel or CSV file

Tips for preparing a file that uploads seamlessly
Help: Adding an image gallery to your story
Prezly basics

Adding an image gallery to your story

Adding and editing image gallery embeds
Help: Supported browsers
Prezly basics

Supported browsers

A full list of web browsers that are compatible with Prezly
Help: Legacy & depreciated plans
Prezly basics

Legacy & depreciated plans

How to update your plan from one of our expired plans
Help: Using Prezly's Search functions
Prezly basics

Using Prezly's Search functions

Omnisearch vs contextual search
Help: Demo content in your site
Prezly basics

Demo content in your site

Adding demo content to your site, plus how to use and delete them

Video tutorials

Bitesize video recordings to turn you into a Prezly pro in no time.

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